What do I need to bring with me?

A yoga mat, readily available in many places such as sports shops and supermarkets. You need layers of comfortable clothing to account for temperature changes and a blanket. You will also need a yoga block, also available widely but attend your first class to see what we use first.


We practice with bare feet but if you prefer not to then you need non slip socks such as ToeSox available in Dance shops or on Amazon or at the Yoga Studio shop in Poole. For pregnancy yoga we use Swiss Balls, ask me first to find out what to bring.

To get your own, make sure it is 'burst resistant' or 'anti-burst' which means if it gets damaged it goes down slowly rather than suddenly.


How much does the class cost?

All live classes are £10 per session and includes zoom access the rest of the week.

Zoom Only access is £7 per week.


Workshops and Events will also be priced individually.

Private classes are £10 per person subject to a minimum of £40.

Weekend private classes are priced at £15 per person, minimum £60.


You can pay for any class in cash, by cheque or by BACS or Paypal. 


Real life classes can also be paid for through www.bookwhen.com/yogalouise


Where are the Classes?


55 Kinson Avenue Poole BH15 3PH

Plenty of parking outside on the forecourt and on the road.



16 Commercial Road Poole BH14 0JW, off road parking available.



21 Dunyeats Road Broadstone BH18 8AB: on the corner of Dunyeats and Tudor Road. Plenty of parking in the private carpark up the slope from the Memorial hall.


Do you have a facebook page?

Yes I do - 'like' and 'follow' to hear about new classes first.

@yogalouisetrew     or click here: https://www.facebook.com/yogalouisetrew

Do you have a newsletter?

Yes I send out maybe one every couple of months about class changes or retreats.

If you'd like to get one click here:

Send me a newsletter please


What do other people say about your classes?

Best yoga teacher I’ve ever had, (been about a dozen). Your explanations helped me realise I hadn’t been doing moves ‘correctly’ for years. Just as important to me is the daily routine and seeing people I know and talking to them. 
The one good thing to come out of lockdown has been my increased strength and mobility from attending multiple classes in a week. I’ve found  recorded sessions very useful to have as a standby.
It’s obvious you really care for everyone’s well being Louise.  I really appreciate all you’ve done. Can’t really thank you enough

Joan xx


I love Louise's pregnancy yoga classes and the warm, positive environment she creates in which to grow your practice. I've not done regular yoga before my pregnancy and this is truly my highlight of the week, especially in the current (lockdown) circumstances as I am working as an NHS doctor.  Louise genuine nature is evident as she guides you on your yoga journey. I leave her classes both relaxed and full of positive energy. She is everything you want in a yoga instructor!   




Hi Louise, 
I Wanted to say a huge thank you for the pregnancy yoga sessions particularly on Tuesday because an hour after the class finished my contractions started! Labour was 3 1/2 hours from contractions to birth although I shocked the midwifes by delivering a breech baby! All recovering well and we have a little girl called A. Thank you again and I hope to join other yoga and mindfulness classes in the future, Ruth x



Hi Louise 

“It was a great course and I really enjoyed it, the fact it was 45 minutes was perfect and easy to fit into our busy lives, I would definitely recommend this course to anyone else wishing to explore Mindfulness”

Kind regards 


Hello Louise,

Thank you for the 5 week mindfulness course. It has helped me begin to practice and I found the different examples really useful.

Kind Regards

Hi Louise! IJN was born 0026 on Friday weighing 8lbs exactly. I did the mmmm breathing and laboured leaning over the ball and it helped knowing my body would relax that way so quickly. I only needed gas and air for pushing I was so relaxed and in control. When she came out I kept saying "I did it!". I owe so much of my positive birth experience to what I learned at yoga! Thank you so much.


Thank you Louise for the mindfulness course, I truly enjoyed it and it helps me deal with situations at work where I can get stressed and consequently short tempered.
Thank you again. I have just been to the Zen yoga, loved it!

Kind regards
Anne x


Hi Louise

Just wanted to write to say thank you for the excellent pregnancy yoga classes. I couldn't make it to a lot of the classes late in my pregnancy due to extreme tiredness whilst working full time. However the classes I attended earlier set me up for a wonderful calm and confident birth. I really enjoyed the exercises and think you had a good balance between relaxing and strengthening poses. I also found the different breathing techniques really helpful.


I had been studying hypnobirthing and by chance found some resources from natal hypnotherapy which featured the same music as a background track that you played during your classes. Listening to the music immediately took me back to the relaxed place you set up during your classes. I listened to the tracks throughout most of my labour and had a very calm and quick first stage at home arriving at the hospital fully dilated and ready to push after 7 hours with only a tens machine for additional pain relief. I ended up needing a bit of help from forceps after a prolonged second stage but overall it was an extremely positive birth experience and both my partner and the hospital staff could not believe how calm and relaxed I was throughout!


So thanks again for your classes which I feel were instrumental in helping me stay relaxed throughout the pregnancy as well as the birth. 



Hi Louise. 
Thanks for your emails. 
I just wanted to say a big thank you for the 5 week mindfulness course. It has given me a really great insight into mindfulness meditation. 
With many thanks again


Hi Louise

I just wanted to say thank you for the pregnancy yoga classes. I had my baby boy 14th September. I really felt the yoga and breathing exercises helped with my super long labour, helping me to stay focused and controlled. Sadly my planned VBAC birth that was going fantastic with just the birthing pool and gas & air, ended with an emergency c-section. R was a healthy 10lb 9oz and is doing really well. Thanks again for helping me make my labour more comfortable.

Best wishes



On Monday our beautiful baby girl made her arrival into the world two weeks early, weighing in at 5 pounds 8. I can't thank you enough for breathing techniques and yoga positions. Alongside the birthing pool they got me through almost all the way, with gas and air towards the end. She needed a little help at the end with ventouse as she was getting a little sleepy. For something I was so nervous about, we were really lucky to have a positive experience. 

We are loving getting to know each other, but boy is it a crazy learning curve!! 

Thank you again, 

Hannah x



How to contact me:


07749 805213

01202 683483


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© Louise Trew